Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TLP Competes!

Congrats to our very own Laura Glaess! She won first place at Blues Shout earlier this month in the Open Jack and Jill with Dexter Santos. Check out their spotlight below, starting at about 3 minutes in.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

TLP Travels!

Congrats to TLP Instructors Mike Roberts and Laura Glaess for winning first place at Boston Tea Party's strictly lindy competition! Way to go guys! Hopefully videos of this awesome competition will be made available soon. We will surely post them if they are.

On another note, April classes start tomorrow! Check out Brooks and Laura's level 4 class: A Different Perspective
This class will cover different connections, different endpoints, different rhythms, different height changes, and all over different dance skillz that not only make you a better leader / follower, but also give you a different perspective on movement and music.
Be prepared to have your minds blown!